So the book of the month is... Potenkiah, the Deathgiver!
Title: Potenkiah, the Deathgiver. (The sacred stones #1)
Author: Andrea Saga.

This book was originally self-published by the author in spanish, and then it was translated and self -published!
Okay, add or buy the book here: Goodreads Amazon Kindle.
The Sacred Stones were the beginning and the end of all. Their impact on the surface of Eloah caused a radioactive blast. The surviving species experienced an unavoidable mutation. Thus was the birth of the Eloahns, which in the ancient language means “fly-men”. The Stones were the most coveted treasure in the planet, the maximum symbol of power. Aeviniah, the Lifegiver, extended the lives of those who lived near it indefinitely; Potenkiah, the Deathgiver, ended it mercilessly. They changed hands countless times, until Aeviniah disappeared and Potenkiah was sealed away in an underground vault. Without her mate, the Stone became unstable, unpredictable, untameable, more deadly than ever before. Touching it again without risking one’s life became impossible. Except once. The day Potenkiah chose her bearer, the day the Prophecy was written. Today commotion reigns in Eloah. Rumor has it that she who was foretold so many beltas ago has been born. People demand her to be sacrificed. They are afraid, and rightly so...
And if you want read an excerpt please click here!
I'm so excited because the Week for this book is gonna be happening from February 15th to the 21st. Remeber to follow my social medias:
Twitter: @authorSH_Huerta
Instagram: authorshhuerta
That's where all the eciting things will be happening! So excited to start Reading this book and also to show you the amazing interview that I did to the author! And maybe a... giveaway? So many secrets!
Good bye!
S.H Huerta.
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